Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Distraction while I drink coffee and wake the F* up.

92% accomplished!
This made me think of Lindsay Lohan b/c she is supposed to be a bad girl, but I def worshiped her most my life because she was so pretty-- and HAD RED HAIR. Which I have wanted my whole life :)
Me in elementary school = attempting to dress like her after that twin movie via Limited Too (which is Justice now?! Sad. My daughter can't be a Limited Too baby slut.)
Me in middle school = going to see Mean girls a MILLION times so that I could girl crush on her (and Rachel M.)

1. had sex
2. Bought condoms
3. Gotten pregnant
4. Failed a class
5. kissed a boy
6. kissed a girl
7. used a little paper bag for lunch
8. Had a job
9. slipped on ice
10. missed the school bus
11. left the house without my wallet/purse
12. bullied someone on the internet
13. sexted
14. had sex in public
15. played on a sports team
16. Smoked weed
17. smoked cigarettes
18. smoked a cigar
19. drank alcohol
20. watched “The Breakfast Club”
21. been overweight
22. been underweight
23. had an eating disorder
24. been to a wedding
25. made fun of someone for being fat
26. been on the computer for 5 hours straight
27. watched tv for 5 hours straight
26. been late for work
29. been late for school
30. kissed someone in the rain
31. showered with someone else 
32. failed my drivers test
33. ran a mile in less than 10 minutes
34. been outside my home country
35. been on a road trip longer than 5 hours
36. gotten my heart broken
37. had a credit card
38. been to a professional sports game
49. broken a bone
40. been unhappy about my weight
41. won a trophy
42. cut myself
43. had an STD
44. got engaged
45. been on a diet
46. tried out to be on a tv show
47. rode in a taxi 
48. been to prom
49. played in a drinking game
50. stayed up for 24 hours or more
51. been to a concert
52. had a three-some
53. had a crush on someone of the same sex 
54. been in a car accident
55. had braces
56. learned another language
57. killed an animal/bug
58. been at a yard sale
59. been to a japanese steakhouse
60. wore make up
61. talked to someone via webcam
62. lost my virginity before I was 16
63. had my wisdom teeth taken out
64. kissed someone a different race than myself
65. snuck out of the house
66. bought porn
67. had a virus on my computer
68. had oral sex
69. dyed my hair
70. gone skinny dipping
71. graduated from college
72. wore someone else’s clothes
73. voted in a presidential election
74. rode in an ambulance
75. rode in a helicopter
76. caught the stove on fire
77. got in a verbal fight
78. been on vacation
79. been on an airplane
80. been on a boat
81. had surgery.
82. kissed someone before I was 14.
83. beat a video game 
84. found something valuable on the ground
85. made a survey 
86. stalked someone on facebook/myspace
87. prank called someone
88. been to a library outside of school
89. spent over $100 shopping in one day
90. cut my hair and hated it
91. peed outside
92. went fishing
93. helped with charity
94. taken a pregnancy test.
95. been rejected by a crush
96. been suspended from school
97. broken a mirror
98. faked sick from school
99. owned a pet
100. been to six flags

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

uyvhjvkhvy < ME.

 0 cals/ light exercise 1-3 times a week

 500 cals/ moderate exercise 3-5 times a week
500 cals/ light exercise 1-3 times a week










the sun also rises

Have to lose 15-20+ before 2nd week in August because... 
1. New campus, new people, new boys, no sweating, shorts, confidence
2. back in the lowcountry = beach, river, pool-- swimsuits, shorts, dresses, tank tops, skirts. ALL THE  TIME.

3. cause' I am moving back in with my mom
4. go running with Rory lookin' good
5. help mum get back in shape
6. look awesome fitting in all my old skinny clothes
7. come back to C and visit chuck looking amazing :)
8. don't have enough money for groceries
9. want to spend money I do have on booze/ fun and save for when I move
10. I am super gross and fat ANYTIME I do not think that I am justifying what is disgusting as "okay even thought it is FAT

The rest of the month:
- 2 eggs with salsa in the morning till I run out of eggs & canteloupe/apples/carrots (only 1 of these per day)
- spaghetti till I run out
-soup till I run out

Tomorrow going to get coffee :)

Groceries for when I have to ask/ hopefully won't have to:
-stuff to go with eggs
-spaghetti stuff
-tea, coffee, diet soda
-diet drinks/food ??

Exercise of some kind every day -- buy Rory a new thing to run with her -- no binging -- try to excuse eating out (saves money and calories) -- post every morning while drinking coffee -- water, water, water -- if feeling desperate must try on three pairs of shorts and two tops & then still no binging